บริษัท ไอร่า แฟคตอริ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน)

Investor Relations

Securities information

Securities Price


  • Stock Exchange Displays the latest financial statement information as submitted by listed companies. This information depends on the closing date of the company’s accounting period. Some companies may have an accounting closing date that is not December 31 (31/12) or some companies’ data is not 12 months old. Users should study additional details from the full financial statements.
  • Financial statement information It is information submitted by listed companies in that period. Information users should study additional details from the full financial statements. In which some companies may have adjusted the statements shown in comparison with the latest full statement.
  • In the case of foreign listed companies (Secondary Listing), the P/E P/BV and Dividend Yield statistics are calculated using the exchange rate of the Bank of Thailand. For comparative estimation purposes only.
  • In the case of foreign listed companies (Secondary Listing), financial statement information follows the criteria of the main stock exchange (Home exchange). Source: https://www.settrade.com
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